Social Studies
Social Studies at ASA strives to create responsible global citizens. Based on the AERO standards for American international schools, the curriculum examines the past, present, and future, to make connections and think critically about social issues and real-world problems. ASA’s Social Studies teachers employ a variety of methods to increase rigor through both grade-level and advanced placement courses. The curriculum emphasizes critical thinking, analysis of primary and secondary documents, open debate, collaborative discussion, research, and analysis. It promotes civic competence, historical knowledge, using intellectual processes, data collection and analysis, collaboration, decision-making, and participating as a member of a global community. Central to this process, students will:
- Identify facts & support claims with thoughtfully and clearly written evidence
- Make connections between historical, political, & social trends to provide context for modern issues
- Use effective & efficient methods of research to better understand the world around them
- Integrate reading, writing, listening, & speaking standards
- Analyze informational text to identify main ideas & claims & how those claims are supported
- Understand their rights & responsibilities as a local, national, and global citizen
Social Studies Program
Elementary students begin their learning in social studies by thinking locally about their own communities, roles, and responsibilities, and move toward a broader international and global awareness by the end of the elementary years. Our curriculum is delivered through the following instructional practices: Small group and whole class discussions, individual and group research, collaborative learning, exploring a variety of sources for information and understanding, comparing and contrasting various issues, and interaction with members of the community.
Middle School
Middle School course offerings in Social Studies are Ancient World History, World History, and U.S. History. ASA offers two diplomas – a US diploma and a Paraguayan diploma – with both diplomas requiring courses in Social Studies. ASA is registered with the Ministerio de Education y Ciencias (MEC) as a humanities school, following the requirements for the Bachelor of Arts. Consequently, at the High School level, ASA has a rich and deep offering of Social Studies and Ciencias Sociales courses. Courses available are as follows: An AP course replaces the corresponding diploma requirement, and Economics may be substituted for Comparative Government.