Message of the Director General
Welcome to The American School of Asunción (ASA)! ASA is a world-class school with bright students, skilled and helpful faculty and staff, a caring and ambitious community, a dedicated Board of Directors, and supportive parents. Together, we make ASA a special and rewarding place to learn.
I’m excited to serve the ASA community as your Director General. I’m originally from Colorado in the USA. My career in education has included years as a head of school, principal, vice-principal, and teacher of math and science at the high school and middle school levels in Louisiana and Colorado in the USA, Taiwan, and Vanuatu. I love teaching so much I’m still a teacher, in fact, and I teach a graduate course at Columbia University during our ASA school holidays.
Our core values at ASA are excellence, empathy, integrity, and respect. We uphold these values for every member of the ASA community and believe these values are key to achieving our vision that ASA students will make the world a better place. If you align with these values, ASA may be the school for you!
We embrace our four A’s – Academics, Athletics, Activities, and the Arts. Our newly constructed (2020) STEAM building has expanded opportunities for students specifically in art, science, and math. Our athletics program is world-class, with over 600 of our 825 students participating in at least one sport. Our activities continue to grow, and we are bringing even more to the table in the time ahead.
At ASA we are all learners who care deeply about education – that includes students, faculty, staff, parents, our school board, and our community. We have become a world-class school, but our potential is even more. We welcome you to come and see what we do, we welcome any questions that you may have, and we welcome you to join us in the next chapter of the ASA story.
I look forward to seeing you around campus – make sure to wave and say hello! For those already in our community, the entire ASA team will support our ASA students and families in every way that we can. For those considering joining our community, please reach out and connect with us! This is truly a special place.
Dr. Ben Ploeger
Please find here: Student-Parent Community Handbook (English) (PDF907KB) - Manual de Estudiantes, Padres y la Comunidad (Spanish) (942KB) - Child Protection and Safeguarding Policies and Protocols (English) (2MB)